Outsourced IT Support / Overview
Lower your IT support costs and maximize technology results for your company with Outsourced IT support from Bayside Networks
Bayside specializes in providing efficient and time tested outsourced IT support for small to medium sized businesses in the San Diego area. Our clients include a wide range of small to medium sized businesses and non profit organizations.
Our outsourced IT services are affordable and proven.
It's very likely that we already work with more than one San Diego based business or non profit organization that you recognize and trust. Contact us today for a client reference list.
Outsourced IT support from Bayside Networks includes:

Guidance and technical support from an assigned Bayside Networks IT consultant. Our consultants are experienced; all with more than 5 years of IT support consulting experience with small to medium sized companies. Also, in most cases, we are able to assign a consultant that is specifically familiar and has experience with your business type. Your assigned consultant will quickly grow to understand your IT needs and your system, and will work with you to efficiently coordinate all aspects of your IT service needs.

Responsive help desk technical support services. Resolve user support requests quickly and efficiently. We use industry leading remote support tools to provide the best possible remote support experience for our clients.

Maintain systems and servers, manage software and hardware upgrades and replacements.

Manage and reduce IT related risks, such as data loss and system downtime.

Minimize IT costs, primarily achieved through proactive services that avoid most IT problems in the first place.

Invest a few minutes of your time, could Bayside IT Outsourcing be the right approach for your company?
We offer a free initial assessment and report on your current system setup and technical support needs. Initial assessments are provided by Chris Gruenwald, or one of our other lead consultants here at Bayside Networks.
We will review your present system setup, answer any questions you might have, and provide you a quote on IT support for your company or organization.
What does Bayside IT Outsourcing cost?
Our rates start at $70/hr, and range upward depending on the level of expertise and volume of work needed for a given task. For example, physically installing 10 computers, doesn't require the level of experience needed to install a new accounting server. You should not be paying a "server expert's higher hourly rate" to swap out PC's in your office.
Bayside Networks is also unique in that we only bill for hours that we actually work for your business or organization. Our approach to billing is simple: We provide practical and necessary IT services, billing a fair amount per hour for the amount of time required for the tasks completed. Significant tasks are quoted in advance, for your review and approval before the related work is started.

Do I have to sign a "long term contract" to obtain IT support from Bayside Networks?
We work with all our clients on a simple month to month basis. We retain our clients by way providing real value and responsive service, always leaving you with the option to take your IT service needs elsewhere. We also do not request prepayment for services unlike many of our competitors.
What is "On-Demand" vs "Outsourced" IT support from Bayside Networks?
We offer rate discounts and other service benefits to out IT outsourcing clients. You can become an outsource service client simply by asking us to take care of some or all of your ongoing IT support needs. Please see our "on demand" services if you have a one time IT support need - we have you covered there too.

Will Bayside Networks work with my existing in house IT staff?
Yes. Many of our clients have highly skilled internal technical staff. Working with Bayside allows client technical staff to focus on a client's unique needs, with less potential involvement in issues such as: email support, backups and workstation upgrades.
For example, with Bayside's help, perhaps your internal IT person can finally take care of implementing that new accounting system that was supposed to be operational last year.
Outsourced IT Support from Bayside Networks is the best choice for companies that need comprehensive ongoing IT support, without the added expense, impracticality and potential uncertainties of an internal IT person or department. Whether your IT needs are simple or complex, one of our flexible and cost effective plans is ready to meet your IT support needs. Alternatively, if your support needs are “one time” or short term in nature, please consider our on demand IT support services.