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Data Backup

Protect what matters most

Would your business survive a theft, fire, hurricane, earthquake or even a server crash? Then why leave your most important asset unprotected? The risk of losing your data is one of the biggest threats to your business. In today’s world, the possibility of data loss is very real. Everyone faces numerous threats to their data, including: aging hardware, ransomware,  and natural disasters to name a few. Data loss can happen faster than most people realize. With the click of a button or the failure of a HDD, your priceless data can be lost for good.

There are many instances in the news over the last few years of companies’ getting targeted and hit with ransomware​. Ransomware is a type of malicious activity that will lock data until a sum is paid, essentially holding your data hostage. This can be detrimental to a company and could cause huge financial loss. In most cases as well, paying the sum to the attacker will only cause them to continue attacking other companies and does not guarantee you will receive all your data back before it is exposed on the internet. The solution, using an enterprise backup solution that offers immutability to prevent data loss.


Many of our clients have a fully cloud based setup, while others use a combination of cloud and on prem server systems.  In most cases, we recommend a local backup be captured and maintained to your office, and that backup data also be replicated to cloud based storage such as AWS. We take care to enable features such as immutability in client AWS data backup configurations to provide additional resistance to threats such as Ransomware.


With Data Backup from Inc, your data is protected by state-of-the-art regular disk-based and cloud immutability backup technology utilizing Veeam products, the safest backup method available on the market today. Regular backups conforming to the 3-2-1 rule and immutability gives you the peace of mind to focus on what’s important – your business. And since you own the hardware, you have the power over your data.

Data Backup services from Bayside Networks provide enterprise-class data protection that includes these features:


Professionally Managed Backup Service – Bayside helps reduce the complexity of backups by utilizing state-of-the art backup tools from industry leading brand such as Veeam and to help protect what is most important to your company, your data


Flexible Licensing Costs – No matter the size or the amount of data you need to be backed up, Bayside offers a competitive and flexible licensing cost that is done on a monthly basis. Depending on whether you need to backup 1 server or 100 servers, Bayside offers flexible licensing to accommodate


Reasonable Upfront Hardware Costs – Bayside will work with you to recommend tested and trusted branded technologies from Synology, Seagate, Dell and Lenovo that is flexible and expandable to help create a strong backup infrastructure


Monitored by Bayside – Bayside has a team of technicians assigned to help regularly monitor the status of your backups

Our Partners

Bayside works with leading backup software companies that are cutting edge and can help protect your data. We partner with Veeam to help provide the best most flexible backup solution

Bayside help utilize the following tools from Veeam to backup data:


Veeam Backup and Replication


Veeam Backup for
Microsoft 365


Veeam Service Provider Console


Veeam Backup and Replication: The main tool for protecting your data. Provides state-of-the art backup of local resources (servers, NAS devices, workstations, Mac devices). Offers ability to encrypt backups for extra security and immutable cloud backups


Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365: Offers the ability to securely backup and maintain an archive of all the Office 365 data. By default, Microsoft only offers the ability to retain deleted data for 30 days before permanently being deleted. With Veeam and expandable cloud storage from Amazon Web Services, that window no longer applies meaning that data can be retrieved from any period. Some industries are beginning to require such archiving and as companies become more cloud based, this is becoming a much-needed tool

checkbox.png If you are fully cloud based and have an Microsoft 365 based infrastructure, another tool Bayside offers is backups. These offer the same capabilities as Veeam but offer a full cloud solution


Veeam Service Provider Console: Bayside’s primary tool for helping our client maintain steady and stable backup environment. It provides errors and information on our client’s backups and allows us to address issues in a timely manner


Veeam is a trademark of the Veeam Software

Amazon Web Services, AWS, the Powered by AWS logo, [and name any other AWS Marks used in such materials] are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates

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8334 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
Suite 209
San Diego, CA 92111

Phone: 858-654-4080



Grand Rapids, MI 49525



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