Cloud Migrations
Cloud data and software migrations come in all shapes and sizes. We often use the term “workload migration."
Some of the cloud migration types we provide:
Physical to SAAS: The most common scenario - On prem server’s workload is moved to a solution such as: Office365. Examples:
On prem “server drive letters” -> Sharepoint
On prem email server -> Office365 Exchange
Cloud to cloud: Workload is moved from one cloud based solution to another: Examples:
Commercial Office365 to Office365 GCCH required for defense contractors with CMMC obligations
Google Workspace to Office365, Google Workspace -> Different tenant Google Workspace
Dropbox to Sharepoint
Physical to IAAS: On prem server or its workload is moved to a IAAS platform such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS. Examples:
Client needs to move our in house accounting service to the cloud, the software is old and there is no SAAS option.
Bayside Networks offers many types of project based services. Whatever your specific need, there is a great chance we have a scope of work ready for your consideration and potential approval. Our scope documents are easy to understand and demonstrate an understanding of your business need along with the technical steps required for completion.
How does Bayside Networks address IT Projects for our clients? Please see our Project Methodology page.